Jim was elected Fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union (AOU) at the annual conference held in July. This comes as a huge honor, as AOU Fellows are chosen for exceptional and sustained contributions and service to the society.
Fellows are chosen for exceptional and sustained contributions to ornithology and/or service to the AOU. - See more at: http://americanornithology.org/content/aou-special-membership-classes#sthash.wWdPVQPl.dpuf
Fellows are chosen for exceptional and sustained contributions to ornithology and/or service to the AOU. - See more at: http://americanornithology.org/content/aou-special-membership-classes#sthash.wWdPVQPl.dpuf
Fellows are chosen for exceptional and sustained contributions to ornithology and/or service to the AOU. - See more at: http://americanornithology.org/content/aou-special-membership-classes#sthash.wWdPVQPl.dpuf
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