College of Forestry

Forest Animal Ecology Lab

Lab News

Welcome to Sara and Joe!

Submitted by riversj on

The Forest Animal Ecology Lab has added two new postdocs. Sara Galbraith comes to us from the Univeristy of Idaho and is starting a project evalutating how native bees and their pollination services in forests are influenced wildlfire and postfire salvage logging activities. Joe Northrup just finished up at Colorado State University and is going to be leading research on the spatial ecology of Marbled Murrelets in western Oregon. Welcome to you both! 



Kristin successfully defends her M.S. thesis

Submitted by riversj on

Kristin Jones wrapped up her thesis titled "Combined Effects of Intensive Forest Management and Microclimate on Demography of a Cavity-Nesting Songbird" with a strong presentation and thesis defense. Way to go, Kristin!

Murrelet postdoc position is now open

Submitted by riversj on

The lab is looking to hire a Postdoctoral Researcher with experience in Seabird Spatial Ecology. This person will be housed in the College of Forestry and will assist with research projects that are investigating space use, habitat selection, and population ecology of the endangered Marbled Murrelet in western Oregon. See the attached announcement for more details and for instructions on how to apply.

Related Documents

Kristin stars in video about her thesis work

Submitted by riversj on

Kristin discusses her thesis research in an instruction video that was put together to provide a window into the process of scientific inquiry as a field scientist. Lots of action shots of her study sites and processing birds, along with a cameo by OSU undergrad Jonah Powell who helped her with field work. Well done, Kristin!

Janel Lajoie joins the Forest Animal Ecology Lab

Submitted by riversj on

In August, Janel Lajoie joined the lab to pursue her M.S. degree in the College of Forestry. She comes to us as a Ford Opportunity Scholar and a Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program Scholar. For her graduate work, she is interested in understanding how recreational activities can impact wildlife populations, and she is pursuing work that will assess the impacts of supplemental bird feeding on songbird health and social dynamics. Welcome Janel!

Early-seral forest songbird publication from OFRI

Submitted by riversj on

The Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) released a report that highlights the importance of early seral forests in Oregon and helps forest managers learn about early seral-associated songbirds, their habitat needs, and science-based recommendations to maintain songbird habitat. Several studies from the lab are highlighted in this document, so it's a good introduction to the work we are doing in this area.

Jim and collaborators receive grant to study Marbled Murrelets

Submitted by schoppyi on

Jim and collaborators received a grant to study Marbled Murrelet ecology in the Coast Range Mountains of western Oregon. This work is focused on understanding breeding ecology, space use, and the factors that limit reproductive success in this exceptionally cryptic and difficult-to-study species.